HTML5 Form Validator Support Product Page


HTML 5 Form Validator extension does not show up in the insert tab.

Reported 18 Sep 2016 11:54:17
has this problem
18 Sep 2016 11:54:17 User  posted:
I have installed the HTML 5 Form Validator extension does not show up in the insert tab. I am using the latest version of Dreamweaver CC.

I have also noticed that there are other extensions are missing and some extensions are listed under the DMXzone tab, some are just listed randomly on the insert tab and some appear at the bottom of the Window menu option. Is this correct?


Replied 19 Sep 2016 11:43:24
19 Sep 2016 11:43:24 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please make sure to use the DMXzone Extension Manager in order to install the extensions.

Note that not all of the extensions are located in the insert tab though. Check the documentation for the specific extensions to see where they should be started from.
Replied 19 Sep 2016 12:25:23
19 Sep 2016 12:25:23 User  replied:
Thanks Tedor.

I did use the Extension Manager. I loaded on the laptop I use when I go to see my clients and it loaded OK in the insert tab.

However, on my office system it doesn't show up at all. I did initially get an error message about a corrupt insertbar.xml file. I had a look at it and found some poor syntax. Once I fixed it the extension seemed to load OK (according to the Extension Manager) but it doesn't show up in any of the menus or the insert tab..

Replied 19 Sep 2016 12:29:08
19 Sep 2016 12:29:08 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Maybe this happens because of the corrupted insertbar xml file. You can try reinstalling your DW so it generate the xml file again.
Replied 19 Sep 2016 13:27:08
19 Sep 2016 13:27:08 User  replied:
I pinched the insertbar.xml file from my laptop and hey presto everything works. There was obviously an issue with it.

Problem now solved.
Replied 01 Sep 2023 17:57:19
01 Sep 2023 17:57:19 Mike Anderson replied:
If the HTML 5 Form Validator extension is not appearing in the insert tab, it could be due to a compatibility issue or an installation problem. It's crucial to ensure that the extension is correctly installed and that your software version supports it. Just as troubleshooting is essential in this situation, affiliates in the sports betting industry must also troubleshoot any technical issues related to their affiliate marketing efforts to ensure seamless operation and maximize their earnings.

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