HTML5 File Upload Support Product Page


Presales question

Asked 19 Nov 2015 06:45:14
has this question
19 Nov 2015 06:45:14 Joe Horton posted:
Sorry for what is probably a dumb question. Does this require the use of DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP and DMXzone Database Updater PHP/ASP only? Or can other database updaters work? Thanks


Replied 19 Nov 2015 07:56:43
19 Nov 2015 07:56:43 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Joe,
The HTML5 File Upload is only compatible with the Server Connect extension and the HTML5 Data Bindings tools (incl. DMXzone Database Updater/Connector extensions)
It cannot be used with other database insert/update tools.

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