DMXzone Server Connect Support Product Page
Not a problem
Purchase required NOT MENTIONED
Reported 27 Jul 2018 01:01:21
has this problem
27 Jul 2018 01:01:21 User posted:
Coming from - "Right click steps (1), for this action file and select Add Database Connection (2) from the database actions menu."
But No.
No, this CANNOT be done because it requires a purchase.
Something you fail to mention in ANY of your manuals. Utterly, UTTERLY disgusting business practices.
However, after skimming through your support pages, I can see that this company makes a habit of disgusting business practices.
Months of unanswered queries. No support offered on show-stopping issues.
No, I will not do business with you, DMX Zone.
Your badly written products are not required to do what I want and the fact that Adobe still link to you is utterly unconscionable.
Replied 27 Jul 2018 08:09:40
27 Jul 2018 08:09:40 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Of course you need the database connector extension to connect to your database.
This is explained everywhere on our website.
Also you are coming from some old tutorial Adobe site points to.
Of course you need the database connector extension to connect to your database.
This is explained everywhere on our website.
Also you are coming from some old tutorial Adobe site points to.