DMXzone Server Connect Support Product Page

Under investigation

Server Actions in Random Order

Reported 26 Jul 2018 13:59:38
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26 Jul 2018 13:59:38 Ken Pollard posted:
Dreamweaver CC18

In the DMZone Server Connect Panel my list of server actions are in random order, and I see no way of putting them back in Alpha order. I might be missing something obvious but it is driving me crazy! I have to search through the list to find the one I want to work on.


Replied 30 Jul 2018 07:19:14
30 Jul 2018 07:19:14 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Ken,
Your DW configuration must be corrupted. The server action default sorting is alphabetical order. Maybe you can try reinstalling DW and reinstalling the extensions.

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