DMXzone Server Connect Support Product Page


Action Steps missing

Asked 20 Apr 2018 03:01:18
has this question
20 Apr 2018 03:01:18 Dahn Kilroy posted:
I'm not seeing any Action Steps when I bring up Server Connect. I'm not sure what to do.


Replied 20 Apr 2018 06:42:34
20 Apr 2018 06:42:34 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Dahn,
Please explain your issue a little more detailed. It is not really clear what exactly and when does not appear.
Replied 20 Apr 2018 15:45:19
20 Apr 2018 15:45:19 Dahn Kilroy replied:
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I'm currently using DW CC 2017. I brought up the Server Connect, but I'm not seeing the Action Steps. Right from the beginning. Am I supposed to connect to a server or database first? Your instructions are not clear at all about what to do after you install and access Server Connect.
Replied 23 Apr 2018 06:41:40
23 Apr 2018 06:41:40 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Dahn,
I am still not sure i understand what do you mean? It is you who adds the action steps in your server action - how could they be missing, if you have not added any?
Replied 13 Jun 2018 19:06:09
13 Jun 2018 19:06:09 Chris W replied:
Me too. After creating the action file from the server actions screen, action steps windows does not show up.

Dreamweaver cc2017
Replied 14 Jun 2018 06:45:11
14 Jun 2018 06:45:11 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Could you please attach a screenshot of what exactly do you see?
Replied 14 Jun 2018 15:02:59
14 Jun 2018 15:02:59 Chris W replied:
Replied 14 Jun 2018 15:13:16
14 Jun 2018 15:13:16 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Well, of course you won't see them ... the height is too small to fit everything.
Pin the server connect panel to the left side of the screen, so that it takes up the full height and you will be fine.
Replied 14 Jun 2018 16:02:55
14 Jun 2018 16:02:55 Chris W replied:

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