DMXzone Server Connect Support Product Page

Under investigation

Embed video not working when called from the database

Reported 30 Nov 2017 19:06:16
has this problem
30 Nov 2017 19:06:16 Miguel Quintero posted:
when using server connect action executors loading data from the database i have an html5 embed video field in it

<video controls>
       <source src="uploads/{{[0].EmbedVideo}}" type="video/mp4">

the same code works if i select the video directly from the upload folder but not when binding the field, inspecting the code on the browser it does add the name to it but the video wont work unless i add the code above with like this:

<video controls>
       <source src="uploads/myvideo.mp4" type="video/mp4">

Why would it not work when binding if i inspect the code it does pull in the name of the video from the database?


Replied 01 Dec 2017 07:45:42
01 Dec 2017 07:45:42 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Miguel,
Please try changing:




Replied 01 Dec 2017 13:38:35
01 Dec 2017 13:38:35 Miguel Quintero replied:
Still video does't play also would this kind of technique work for background videos, its the real intention of this video, on the backend admin I have it on a player right now, which is the one that is not loading the video, have not tested it yet when I show it on the front end as a background video, this was pretty simple before with recordsets
Replied 01 Dec 2017 13:39:59
01 Dec 2017 13:39:59 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
I don't understand what do you mean, please provide a link to your page where i can check what you have there.
Replied 01 Dec 2017 14:55:09
01 Dec 2017 14:55:09 Miguel Quintero replied:
How can i send it in a private?
Replied 01 Dec 2017 15:13:23
01 Dec 2017 15:13:23 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please send it to
Replied 01 Dec 2017 15:59:00
01 Dec 2017 15:59:00 Miguel Quintero replied:
Sent an email but when i changed the settings on the connection1.php to my server information it is not working I am also seen a error 500 on the console
Replied 01 Dec 2017 16:12:46
01 Dec 2017 16:12:46 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
You cannot just change the settings on the connection1.php, you must do this through the UI of the extension.
The error in the cosole can be debugged following this tutorial:
Replied 01 Dec 2017 16:27:06
01 Dec 2017 16:27:06 Miguel Quintero replied:
The Database connection when I add the live server one says it can not connect from dreamweaver im starting to get very frustrated an dI am really trying to like the extensions but something that before was so easy is taking to long
Replied 01 Dec 2017 16:31:05
01 Dec 2017 16:31:05 Miguel Quintero replied:
when i change the database settings in Database connection from dmxzone it tells me:

"Error using this Database Connection!
Server Response: SQLSTATE(HY000)[1045] Access denied for user ....@'localhost'
Replied 01 Dec 2017 16:47:59
01 Dec 2017 16:47:59 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
That error message pretty much says everything.
There are issues with the user/permissions.
Are you sure your site is properly setup and connected to your remote server?
Replied 01 Dec 2017 16:50:51
01 Dec 2017 16:50:51 Miguel Quintero replied:
Yes im sure i just tested with normal hand written php code to connect to the database without any issue
Replied 01 Dec 2017 16:54:03
01 Dec 2017 16:54:03 Miguel Quintero replied:
I turned off also my vagrant server just so dreamweaver doesnt confuse localhost with the vagrant server now I get Error using this database connection Server Response:
Replied 01 Dec 2017 17:03:30
01 Dec 2017 17:03:30 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please make sure your testing and remote servers in DW are pointing to your server.
All of these errors are related to site configuration and not issues with the extensions.
Also lease do not compare "hand written php" or the old server behaviors with the dmxzone database connection tools as they work differently.
Replied 01 Dec 2017 17:05:48
01 Dec 2017 17:05:48 Miguel Quintero replied:
Ok got it working now on the live server
Replied 01 Dec 2017 17:08:33
01 Dec 2017 17:08:33 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
So, could you please send me the link to it as your last email contains no link.
Replied 01 Dec 2017 17:46:25
01 Dec 2017 17:46:25 Miguel Quintero replied:
sent the link on the email
Replied 02 Dec 2017 09:24:28
02 Dec 2017 09:24:28 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
But on the link you sent, there is no video returned by the query? Please check this!
Replied 04 Dec 2017 21:55:40
04 Dec 2017 21:55:40 Miguel Quintero replied:
The link allows you to upload a video if you like oyu can test you can also notice the issue im having if i upload a picture it adds null to the video field
Replied 05 Dec 2017 07:52:11
05 Dec 2017 07:52:11 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Miguel,
Actually i see a problem when trying to update on the link you sent me - i see an error 500 reply from the server.
Are you sure the link you sent me is right and there should not be some kind of data filtering? I am not even sure i understand your issue anymore.
Can you explain step by step what exactly is wrong, make sure your query returns video and send me a link to a page with the problem on it so i can inspect it?

Your explanations are really unclear and confusing!
Replied 07 Dec 2017 13:55:42
07 Dec 2017 13:55:42 Miguel Quintero replied:
Hi Teodor,

Thank you for the patience your great and I appreciate all the help you give to us customers, ok I re-did the entire thing since when I started looking at the manuals videos for dynamic php update and html5 upload etc... they explained how to do it with the data bindings, after several of our post I realized that I should just use APP Connect, I got all working less the videos and the image background that I have on a different post.

For the 500 error I fixed that since the upload limit on the server by default was 2 mb, I changed the server settings to allow files up to 250mb, so now uploading a small video works and no longer throws a 500 error

On an email sent yesterday there is an updated version of the page it has now a video uploaded to it as well as a picture.

The picture works if it is called with the <img> tags I still need to load the picture as a background of a div, but i cant find how

For the videos they are not working even now that the file has uploaded and the name gets pulled out of the database
Replied 07 Dec 2017 13:57:48
07 Dec 2017 13:57:48 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Miguel,
I will check the page and will let you know what is wrong.
Replied 07 Dec 2017 14:03:24
07 Dec 2017 14:03:24 Miguel Quintero replied:
Just to let you know this system will only have one record, there is no insert new record, all I am trying to get is the update database (works fine now that i used app connect) and have a picture and a video updated (Upload works fine now also) I will email you in a second that end front view its just in html right now but so you can have the idea what Im trying to accomplish with dmx extensions.

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