DMXzone Server Connect Support Product Page
Use one form to insert into two tables
Asked 28 May 2017 06:26:53
has this question
28 May 2017 06:26:53 Ken Pollard posted:
Is it possible to update two tables with one form using Server Connect and App Connect. If so could you please point me to a tutorial or article. Thanks! Replies
Replied 28 May 2017 08:35:29
28 May 2017 08:35:29 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Ken,
You can insert or update in as many tables as you wish. Just add an additional step (insert or update) in your action file, after the first one so they will both run, when you call the server action.
You can insert or update in as many tables as you wish. Just add an additional step (insert or update) in your action file, after the first one so they will both run, when you call the server action.