DMXzone Server Connect Support Product Page
'Filter as you type' with Server Connect'
Asked 04 Mar 2016 08:00:39
has this question
04 Mar 2016 08:00:39 Dik Hendriks posted:
Hello,Is it possible to setup a 'Filter as you type' action with Server Connect?
Replied 07 Mar 2016 09:49:18
07 Mar 2016 09:49:18 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Dik,
Yes, you can use the 'filter as you type' with the server connect, the same way as it works with the old data sources created with HTML5 Data Bindings.
Yes, you can use the 'filter as you type' with the server connect, the same way as it works with the old data sources created with HTML5 Data Bindings.