DMXzone Server Connect Support Product Page
php file syntax question
Asked 13 Nov 2015 08:23:33
has this question
13 Nov 2015 08:23:33 Greta Garberini posted:
Hi,When do I use names with spaces? There might be (example given) a code like:
/* dmxServerAction name "Immo Insert Executor" */ jQuery.dmxServerAction( {"id": "Immo Insert Executor", "url": "../dmxConnect/api/Immo Newinsert.php", "form": "#ImmoInsert", "data": {}} ); /* END dmxServerAction name "Immo Insert Executor" */
On linux servers this might be a problem. In your tutorials you are using syntax wih and without spaces - some of them are turned into php files with or without spaces.
Would you recommend to always use "spaceless" names?
Replied 13 Nov 2015 13:05:03
13 Nov 2015 13:05:03 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Greta,
There shouldn't be a problem to use names with spaces for the executor names - it is tested and working.
I personally prefer not using spaces though, but writing "ExecutorName" instead, but that is just my personal preference.
There shouldn't be a problem to use names with spaces for the executor names - it is tested and working.
I personally prefer not using spaces though, but writing "ExecutorName" instead, but that is just my personal preference.