Sliding PayPal Shopping Cart 2 Support Product Page
Quantity Avaialble
Asked 16 Jan 2018 01:15:29
has this question
16 Jan 2018 01:15:29 Jason Bane posted:
How would I go about preventing quantities being added to my cart that exceed my available quantities ?The problem with this cart is that it does not take into account that nearly every product has a limited stock availability..
Please Help!
Just some simple javascript/jquery will work..
Replied 16 Jan 2018 07:52:43
16 Jan 2018 07:52:43 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Jason,
Sliding PayPal Shopping Cart 2 does not offer advanced options like quantities on stock.
Sliding PayPal Shopping Cart 2 does not offer advanced options like quantities on stock.
Replied 17 Jan 2018 11:42:49
17 Jan 2018 11:42:49 Jason Bane replied:
I have figured this out. It took two days, but it is possible. It should be built into your system as it just takes some minor modifications to your .js files, a product id, a quantity and jQuery. I would be happy to share for a refund.
You can take a look at and grab some of my code here I left the jQuery exposed. The implementation isn't pretty as i'm not really a programmer but it does keep the user from ordering more than what we have available. Other than this short coming I really think this is a very nice extension.