Sliding PayPal Shopping Cart 2 Support Product Page


Quantity Avaialble

Asked 16 Jan 2018 01:15:29
has this question
16 Jan 2018 01:15:29 Jason Bane posted:
How would I go about preventing quantities being added to my cart that exceed my available quantities ?
The problem with this cart is that it does not take into account that nearly every product has a limited stock availability..

Please Help!
Just some simple javascript/jquery will work..


Replied 16 Jan 2018 07:52:43
16 Jan 2018 07:52:43 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Jason,
Sliding PayPal Shopping Cart 2 does not offer advanced options like quantities on stock.
Replied 17 Jan 2018 11:42:49
17 Jan 2018 11:42:49 Jason Bane replied:
I have figured this out. It took two days, but it is possible. It should be built into your system as it just takes some minor modifications to your .js files, a product id, a quantity and jQuery. I would be happy to share for a refund. You can take a look at and grab some of my code here I left the jQuery exposed. The implementation isn't pretty as i'm not really a programmer but it does keep the user from ordering more than what we have available. Other than this short coming I really think this is a very nice extension.

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