DMXzone Visual App Designer for Framework 7 Support Product Page
Pre-Installation Question
Asked 28 Nov 2015 00:32:35
has this question
28 Nov 2015 00:32:35 David Slentz posted:
Pre-Installation QuestionBeing new to an App Designer, I have a simple question before installing Visual App Designer for Framework 7. Is "Framework 7" something that needs to be installed separately...or is it just part of the DMX Visual App Designer extension that is installed? I looked at the manual and setup information, but that part was not clear to me.
Replied 30 Nov 2015 08:54:26
30 Nov 2015 08:54:26 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello David,
The Framework7 IS included in the extension
That's why it is called so.
The Framework7 IS included in the extension