DMXzone Calendar 3 Support Product Page

Javascript Error When trying to add Calendar

Reported 07 Jun 2015 21:40:02
has this problem
07 Jun 2015 21:40:02 Brad Lawryk posted:
I get the following Javascript error pop up dialog when trying to add a calendar:

QuoteWhile executing onLoad in dmxCalendar3.htm, the following JavaScript error(s) occurred:

At line 1149 of file "Macintosh HD:Users:GlowTapeIt:Library:Application Support:Adobereamweaver CC 2014.1:en_US:Configuration:Commands:dmxCalendar3.js":
isDataBindingsBindingsInstalled is not defined


Replied 08 Jun 2015 07:36:28
08 Jun 2015 07:36:28 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Brad,
Please reinstall the extension using the DMXzone Extension Manager.

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