DMXzone Tabs 2 Support Product Page

Under investigation

Tab styles not displaying when previewing in browser

Reported 17 Aug 2017 21:05:01
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17 Aug 2017 21:05:01 Jennifer Manatt posted:
I just purchased and installed DMXzone Tabs 2. I installed and set it up on an html page in Dreamweaver. I can see all the settings and tabs with styles just fine. But when I "preview" in my browser, the tabs are not styled. I also tried uploading the page to my server along with all the related files (Styles folder, ScriptLibrary). When I view in my browser online I can't see the styled tabs either. The tabs look like text links that click to the content sections below. I am using Dreamweaver CS5.5. I also tried starting from scratch on a new page with all the default settings and have the same issue.


Replied 18 Aug 2017 06:40:39
18 Aug 2017 06:40:39 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Jennifer,
Sounds like some files are not uploaded to your server. Please provide a link to your page, where we can check what is wrong.

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