Animated Thumbnail Gallery 2 Support Product Page
gallery not working in Chrome
Reported 20 Feb 2015 04:15:08
has this problem
20 Feb 2015 04:15:08 Christopher Haggblom posted:
The gallery works great in Explorer (after the "Allow Blocked Content?" message), but in Chrome when I click on a thumbnail the image simply opens in a new page. Am I missing a line of code somewhere to make Chrome open the images correctly? Replies
Replied 20 Feb 2015 09:32:07
20 Feb 2015 09:32:07 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please provide a link to your page, where we can check this issue.
Please provide a link to your page, where we can check this issue.
Replied 20 Feb 2015 21:12:17
20 Feb 2015 21:12:17 Christopher Haggblom replied:
Thank you for your attention Teodor, but I figured it out. The pages must be on a remote server - local will only open the image on a new page. Rather frustrating for testing, but actually makes sense.
Replied 20 Feb 2015 21:14:12
20 Feb 2015 21:14:12 Christopher Haggblom replied:
BTW - the link is