DMXzone Lightbox 2 Support Product Page
Not a problem
Norton detects Suspicious.Cloud.7.F
Reported 25 Dec 2014 17:55:18
has this problem
25 Dec 2014 17:55:18 Jack McNeely posted:
I dunno whether this actually is a problem, but when I used the DMX extension manager to install Lightbox 2 just now, during the install Norton Internet Protection claimed that it found Suspicious.Cloud.7.F inc:\users\<username>\AppData\Local\dmxzone-extension-manager\temp\<numberstring>\jsextensions\dmxbrowser2\win\x86\dmxbrowser2.dll
I don't know whether that .dll is particular to Lightbox 2; it looks as if it is related to the extension manager itself and not to Lightbox. Norton moved that .dll to its quarantine area. That did not seem to bother the extension manager. I haven't tried to run the Lightbox 2 extension yet, so I don't know whether Norton's intervention will muck it up, but in any event this can't be good.
Norton's info on Suspicious.Cloud.7.F is at
"Suspicious Cloud" is a name that Norton gives to a group of threats that are mostly trojans. Norton does not have a detailed entry for 7.F, but its general description of how it arrives at claiming something is a "Suspicious Cloud" threat is at That page has a link to a procedure for reporting false positives.
Replied 05 Jan 2015 10:22:19
05 Jan 2015 10:22:19 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Jack,
There is absolutely no issue with dmxbrowser2.dll
And definitely it is not a virus/trojan. This is file is needed for resizing images and other procedures used in Lightbox 2.
There is absolutely no issue with dmxbrowser2.dll