DMXzone Nivo Slider 3 Support Product Page


Nivo and CSS/Div Hamburger Menu

Asked 09 May 2022 05:50:46
has this question
09 May 2022 05:50:46 Rip Munsterman posted:
I set Nivo up on a page using a full screen CSS hamburger menu for mobile use. The menu is displayed under the Nivo slideshow instead of on top of it when clicked. Is there a fix or work around?


Replied 09 May 2022 12:36:49
09 May 2022 12:36:49 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Probably your menu z-index is lower than the one of the slider. You can check that with your browser dev tools.
Replied 09 May 2022 13:15:27
09 May 2022 13:15:27 Rip Munsterman replied:
Thank you so much!! It was 2am after working all day and my brain overlooked the obvious. Can't thank you enough!

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