DMXzone Extension Manager for Dreamweaver Support Product Page
Dreamweaver CS6 and Dreamweaver CC for different sites. HOw to run extension manager on both
Asked 20 Sep 2016 22:06:13
has this question
20 Sep 2016 22:06:13 Kristina Good posted:
I run Dreamweaver CS6 and Dreamweaver CC for different sites. Currently I have the Extension Manager hooked up to CS^ and I would like to access the extensions also from CC. How do I go about that? Replies
Replied 21 Sep 2016 06:48:46
21 Sep 2016 06:48:46 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Just switch your DW version using the dropdown menu at the top of DMXzone EM.
Just switch your DW version using the dropdown menu at the top of DMXzone EM.