DMXzone Extension Manager for Dreamweaver Support Product Page


Extensions no longer installing

Reported 16 Sep 2015 22:27:27
has this problem
16 Sep 2015 22:27:27 User  posted:
Had Adobe tech support work on an unrelated minor issue with Dreamweaver cc2015. It works fine, but after deleting prefs lost all extensions. Tried opening DMX first then Dreamweaver but still no extensions. Quit, rebooted, uninstalled and reinstalled DMX Ex Mgr. All third party extensions are listed but they do not install even after a reset. Message appears "... requires a maximum version of Dreamweaver 15..."
Up to this point from the first time I subscribed DMX Ext. Mgr was working fine.
Please advise as to the steps to get it work it is critical for my workflow.
Thank you

postscript: I was able to use older DW prefs and now have access to the extensions. However DMX Ext Mgr still will not install them.


Replied 17 Sep 2015 06:28:35
17 Sep 2015 06:28:35 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please be a little more detailed and provide the exact steps and messages that you see. "It doesn't work" does not help us resolve the issue.
Replied 17 Sep 2015 11:33:01
17 Sep 2015 11:33:01 User  replied:
Forgive me if previous attempt to reply (prior to log-in) went through as I do not see it when reviewing my case.
If you can view the screen shot, when I attempt to 'Reinstall' the extensions the warning "Extension Manager requires a Maximum Dreamweaver version 15 install anyway?" pops up.
Only Google Sitemap Generator installs when I select 'OK' while the others do not.
Previously if and when the message occurred selecting OK would ignore it and install all extensions.
No updates to my Mavericks system were made prior to or after this issue.
Thank you
Replied 21 Sep 2015 20:41:51
21 Sep 2015 20:41:51 George Petrov replied:

You could savely ignore the warning and install the extensions anyway. So just click on OK, when the warning appear.


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