DMXzone Extension Manager for Dreamweaver Support Product Page


Uncaught node.js Error

Reported 09 Aug 2014 15:35:00
have this problem
09 Aug 2014 15:35:00 Joe Villanova posted:
Uncaught node.js Error

TypeError: Cannot read property 'tagName' of null
at eval (/Applications/DMXzone Extension
at eval (/Applications/DMXzone Extension
at eval (fs.js:258:14)
at Object.eval [as oncomplete] (fs.js:97:15)

Needless to say EM is not working. I downloaded and installed the latest version.


Replied 11 Aug 2014 10:48:30
11 Aug 2014 10:48:30 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Joe,
This error is caused by an extension that has an invalid mxi configuration file, that you installed in Adobe Extension Manager. Please send a list of your installed extensions to
Replied 24 Aug 2014 15:36:45
24 Aug 2014 15:36:45 Joe Villanova replied:
Anyway I can go back to the old Manager? While not as slick as the new one, it worked for me.
Replied 25 Aug 2014 08:41:41
25 Aug 2014 08:41:41 George Petrov replied:
Hi Joe,

Could you try this beta of the upcoming update of DMXzone Extension Manager to see if the problems are solved?

Download the Mac version from:

Even if it all works, we still need to collect some more error info, so please do the following:

1. Open finder and choose the menu Go / Go To Folder
2. type there ~/Library/Application Support/dmxzone-extension-manager
3. there you will see a folder called "InstalledExtensions"

Please zip the whole folder and mail it to me at

Replied 30 Aug 2014 10:35:14
30 Aug 2014 10:35:14 George Petrov replied:
solved in the latest 1.0.3

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