DMXzone Extension Manager for Dreamweaver Support Product Page
Not a problem
Extension Manager EACCES
Reported 04 Aug 2014 17:56:06
has this problem
04 Aug 2014 17:56:06 Joe Horton posted:
Last board was closed so here is the new one. I HAVE installed the latest extension manager from a fresh install. Please stop telling me to do so. That is NOT fixing the problem. Here is the pic again. I even attempted to remove all extensions and start from scratch. No go. 
Replied 04 Aug 2014 18:15:15
04 Aug 2014 18:15:15 Joe Horton replied:
I finally just renamed my configuration file in my application support and started completely over and this seems so far to have solved my extensions install issue. But that means I have to reinstall a bunch of other extensions and redo all my sites. But since nothing else was working I guess this is where I am with it.