DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Support Product Page


Need to add a data set of images that is responsive to the page width.

Asked 29 Jun 2014 07:59:47
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29 Jun 2014 07:59:47 Hans Kiesouw posted:
I need to add a data set that has images in it, but has a width of around 250 PX. This needs to wrap the browser width so that the number of columns reduces with the narrower width.
The idea is that the top section of the page has information about the site and then below that a set of 12 "boxes" with images and some text. These need to be within the bounds of the overall Bootstrap div. I have been trying to add cells and this just results in them listing vertically, when I want them to be shown next to each other and then wrap to the next line, when the browser width is reduced.

Can't seem to find a way to get this to work neatly.



Replied 30 Jun 2014 08:57:33
30 Jun 2014 08:57:33 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Hans,
Bootstrap 3 allows you to create different layouts for different screen sizes - extra small, small, medium and large.
You can just setup your cells to appear as you need for the different screens.
Replied 30 Jun 2014 12:57:22
30 Jun 2014 12:57:22 Hans Kiesouw replied:
Yep, I have that, but for some reason I am unable to figure out how to get the cells to wrap. I will keep trying, or may just take a different approach.


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