DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Support Product Page
unable to load floaters and bootstrap3-lib.js
Reported 21 May 2014 16:21:49
has this problem
21 May 2014 16:21:49 Jim Arthur posted:
as far as I know all worked well until this morning when I downloaded and attempted to install the new Bootstrap3 navigation extension. At that point I started getting different errors so I deleted all of the Bootstrap3 extensions and then reinstalled them. Now I receive the following three errors:Unable to find dmxBootstrap3Grid.htm in the Configuration Floaters directory. The floater will not be shown.
Same error but for Bootstrap3Elements.htm
Translators not loaded due to errors. The following JavaScript error occurred. Unable to open script file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS6\Configuration\Share\DMXZone\dmxBootstrap3\dmxBootstrap3_lib.js" (error 3) -- this error showed three times I think
Can you help? Right now my Bootstrap3 extensions are basically useless.
Replied 29 May 2014 07:50:25
29 May 2014 07:50:25 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Jim,
Please, uninstall the bootstrap extensions which gave an error. Then follow this article to clean your cache. Then Install first the DMXzone Bootstrap 3 finish its DW installation wizard restart your DW, close it and then install the Bootstrap 3 Elements. Finish their installation wizard in DW, restart DW and see if errors are still shown.
Please, uninstall the bootstrap extensions which gave an error. Then follow this article to clean your cache. Then Install first the DMXzone Bootstrap 3 finish its DW installation wizard restart your DW, close it and then install the Bootstrap 3 Elements. Finish their installation wizard in DW, restart DW and see if errors are still shown.
Replied 06 Jun 2014 10:51:16
06 Jun 2014 10:51:16 Aidan Wynne replied:
This worked for me.
Replied 27 Apr 2015 20:13:39
27 Apr 2015 20:13:39 dell temple replied:
I uninstalled bootstrap 3, keep getting this every time I open DW CS6, I have deleted Wincache, but still keep getting the error;
[Unable to find file dmxBootstrap3Grid.htm in the Configuration/Floaters directory. The floater will not be shown.]
how in the heck do I get rid of this? I do not plan on installing Bootstrap again, but would like to clear it completely from DW.
[Unable to find file dmxBootstrap3Grid.htm in the Configuration/Floaters directory. The floater will not be shown.]
how in the heck do I get rid of this? I do not plan on installing Bootstrap again, but would like to clear it completely from DW.