DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Support Product Page

Under investigation

Registration Window Problem - Not able to type User Name and Password

Reported 18 May 2014 21:35:46
has this problem
18 May 2014 21:35:46 Greg Hartford posted:
I have a Mac using OS 10.9.2 and Dreamweaver CS6. Are you aware that there is a problem with the registration window interface? It does not allow me to type my user name and password. The only way it works is if I type it in some other text program then copy and paste it into the text fields.


Replied 19 May 2014 08:20:04
19 May 2014 08:20:04 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Greg,
There are no any known issues with the installation process. Most probably your Dreamweaver configuration is corrupted. Please try clearing Dreamweaver's cache and install it again:
Replied 19 May 2014 13:03:08
19 May 2014 13:03:08 linda malloy replied:
For the record, I have had this problem also for a couple of years. I figured out I had to type in the password first and THEN type in my user name - then I could proceed to register. I just haven't bothered reporting it, but it does seem like it is a DMXzone glitch on the Mac.
Replied 19 May 2014 13:55:42
19 May 2014 13:55:42 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Linda,
We are not able to reproduce such a behavior on Mac. We also have not received any bug reports from other users. As i described this is most probably caused by a corrupted DW installation.
Replied 19 May 2014 14:30:31
19 May 2014 14:30:31 Greg Hartford replied:
Thanks. I have had the issue for a long time as well, even was happening after a new software install. DMXzone is the only one it occurs with.
Replied 19 May 2014 18:11:18
19 May 2014 18:11:18 linda malloy replied:
Yes - my software has been reinstalled more than once and dreamweaver's cache has been emptied countless times over the last couple of years. As I say, it's not a big deal to me and I quickly figured out a workaround so that now I just register with DMXzone that way automatically.

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