DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Support Product Page
Missing Configuration/Shared Files
Reported 28 Jan 2014 19:49:23
has this problem
28 Jan 2014 19:49:23 linda malloy posted:
After I installed Bootstrap 3.0 (I already happily use 1.2.0 and Bootstrap Elements) I am continually getting the following message when I try to open Dreamweaver CS6 (OS X 10.9.1): "The following javascript error(s) occured: "Unable to open script file: Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobe Dreamweaver CS6:Configuration:SharedMXzone:dmxBootstrap3:dmxBootstrap3_lib.js" error 2"
Using the error path, I have looked in the Share folder and no DMXzone folder exists there.
This error message appears when I try to open Dreamweaver, and every time I try to click on anything on any page (not just Bootstrap pages) and I then have to force quit Dreamweaver. My work is at a complete standstill.
I have deleted Dreamweaver's cache several times, re-downloaded and re-installed Bootstrap 3 (and several of my other dmxZone extensions) in the hope that the reinstallation might recreate the apparently "missing" Shared folder. This has not helped.
Can you please help ASAP? You guys are always great and I really appreciate it.
Replied 28 Jan 2014 21:11:08
28 Jan 2014 21:11:08 linda malloy replied:
I may have found a solution myself although I haven't tested it properly yet using Bootstrap 3. Like when deleting Dreamweaver's cache .dat file and then closing and reopening Dreamweaver when it will automatically recreate a new .dat file, I renamed my Configuration file (as Configuration_old) and then closed and restarted Dreamweaver. A new configuration file has been automatically created and the error messages are no longer plaguing me Hopefully this may help others if they encounter a similar problem.
Replied 29 Jan 2014 07:54:37
29 Jan 2014 07:54:37 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Linda,
This, as you discovered, was most probably caused by a corrupted DW configuration. By renaming the Configuration folder DW recreates it and the error should not appear.
This, as you discovered, was most probably caused by a corrupted DW configuration. By renaming the Configuration folder DW recreates it and the error should not appear.