DMXzone Database Updater PHP Support Product Page
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update is ok,list of records is not refreshed after the post
Asked 04 Dec 2016 09:36:15
has this question
04 Dec 2016 09:36:15 Jean Pierre Valls posted:
Hello,I followed your attention to your recording update tutorial
The update is done but in the list of records is not refreshed after the post on the validate button.
When I refresh the browser page, the change is correct.
I do not understand why this can happen.
Thank you for your help.
Excuse my English, I am a French user
Jean Pierre
Replied 04 Dec 2016 16:51:31
04 Dec 2016 16:51:31 Jean Pierre Valls replied:
I found the solution, when using Auto Generating an Update Record Form, do not forget to control this:
Options> Behaviors> OnSuccess> DmxZone Server Connect> Attached Behaviors> Action: Run and Server Action Executor = list of records
I found the solution, when using Auto Generating an Update Record Form, do not forget to control this:
Options> Behaviors> OnSuccess> DmxZone Server Connect> Attached Behaviors> Action: Run and Server Action Executor = list of records
Replied 13 Dec 2016 16:01:21
13 Dec 2016 16:01:21 Greta Garberini replied:
Thank you for sharing this. I had a similar problem and solved it by adding an action-scheduler for the list. I put a couple of seconds and chose "run infinitely" like explained here:
Your solution seems the cleaner way, though.
Your solution seems the cleaner way, though.