DMXzone Database Updater PHP Support Product Page
Creating a new Insert Form calling some data from existing table
Asked 10 Apr 2016 00:31:53
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10 Apr 2016 00:31:53 Hope Tillman posted:
I am trying to create an Insert Form with the new technique where two tables are involved. One is the insert table where the new record information gets added. The other table is where some of the fields are populated from. For example, when an attendee logs in, their address/contact information populates the form rather than their having to reenter it and then they can insert the rest of the items needed. I was able to do this with the old method and imagine it is even easier now, but I can’t figure it out. Is there a video which would help? I can do the new basic Insert Record and Edit Record with no problem. When I looked at the Data Sources, it said that method was deprecated and to use the Server Connect instead.
How do I call the second table for populating some of the fields of the Insert Record? It would be very helpful to have a video showing the steps.
Replied 11 Apr 2016 06:55:31
11 Apr 2016 06:55:31 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Hope,
You need one server action with the query, that will be filtered by the logged user id, and another one with the insert record step.
You run the first one's executor on page load, and bind its values to the form.
You run the second one's executor on form submit, in order to insert the record.
You need one server action with the query, that will be filtered by the logged user id, and another one with the insert record step.
You run the first one's executor on page load, and bind its values to the form.
You run the second one's executor on form submit, in order to insert the record.
Replied 11 Apr 2016 23:59:37
11 Apr 2016 23:59:37 Hope Tillman replied:
Thanks that worked very well.
Now, my next step is to integrate the Validate the Input Against Database to check if someone is already registered. Hopefully that will be as easy.
Now, my next step is to integrate the Validate the Input Against Database to check if someone is already registered. Hopefully that will be as easy.