DMXzone Database Updater PHP Support Product Page


Generate Unique Random Number

Asked 27 Jan 2014 02:32:57
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27 Jan 2014 02:32:57 Brad Lawryk posted:
Not sure if this is the place to ask this or not but since I am using the DB Connector you may be able to point me in the right direction. Or better yet maybe there is a better way with DMX Extensions?

Basically I am generating a unique 10 digit number to be entered into the database. Below is the code I am using with comments so you can see what I am doing. I can't seem to rap my head around how to do the check to see if number exists and if it does run the generator again.
// Start of random Id generator
$rand_number = gen_rand_number();
//echo "Current random number = $rand_number\n";
// -------------------
// Generates random number, which does not exist in the `random_test` database table
// Returns null if random number not found after 1,000 tries. This is a safety factor
// to prevent endless looping of the PHP while() statement. Should never occur.
function gen_rand_number() {
	$i = 1000;
	while ($i--) {
		do {
			$rand_number = mt_rand(0000000001,9999999999);
		} while (strlen($rand_number) < 10);	// Discard random numbers less that 10 digits by trying again
		$result = mysql_query("SELECT client_random FROM clients WHERE client_random='$rand_number'", 
			$connPGES) or die(mysql_error());
		// Random number, which does not exist in the database found.
		if (mysql_num_rows($result) === 0)
			return $rand_number;
	return null;
// End random Id Generator


Replied 28 Jan 2014 12:36:47
28 Jan 2014 12:36:47 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Brad,
Unfortunately this is not possible with the HTML5 Data Bindings extension.

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