HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter Support Product Page
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Formatting Question
Reported 28 May 2015 13:43:38
has this problem
28 May 2015 13:43:38 Baub Eis posted:
1) How do I format numbers like 1000, so that they read 1,0002) How do I format money so that it doesn't show decimal point and beyond, ie I want 1000 to read $1,000, not $1,000.00 I set the decimal place at 0, but that still doesn't do the trick. Is there a secret or something obvious I am missing? Replies
Replied 28 May 2015 14:04:13
28 May 2015 14:04:13 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
As we've already discussed this with you in our Live Suppirt Chat - it is not possible to format numbers this way.
The currency's decimal precision should be a number greater than 0.
As we've already discussed this with you in our Live Suppirt Chat - it is not possible to format numbers this way.
The currency's decimal precision should be a number greater than 0.
Replied 28 May 2015 17:50:13
28 May 2015 17:50:13 Baub Eis replied:
Is it going to get fixed in the next update? And any word on timeline on that?
Replied 29 May 2015 07:44:36
29 May 2015 07:44:36 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Actually there is nothing that needs to be 'fixed' as that is how the extension is supposed to work. I've already added your request to the wishlist for the upcoming update, so hopefully these options will be added soon.
Replied 10 Feb 2016 21:15:57
10 Feb 2016 21:15:57 Baub Eis replied:
Although the topic was "rejected" 8 months ago, I am still needing HTML data Formatter to format like this:
1000 formats to be 1,000 (add commas for regular numbers)
And also
$1,000.00 should be $1,000 (drop the cents from the price)
1000 formats to be 1,000 (add commas for regular numbers)
And also
$1,000.00 should be $1,000 (drop the cents from the price)