HTML5 Data Bindings Formatter Support Product Page


Trying to have a repeatable table inside another repeat region

Asked 08 Jan 2014 19:58:33
have this question
08 Jan 2014 19:58:33 Keith Mears posted:
Hope you can help as I am trying to get a repeat region inside a repeat region like in the tutorial - Advance: Using Nested Repeat Regions And Repeat Regions Inside Detailed Regions, with the motor bike colours.

However, I cannot get this to work and whilst I can add a the second repeat region when I add the repeatable item from the table I get the message ‘You are inserting detailed data without a repeat region! Would you like to inset one first! With option I take at this point will not work.

I think the problem is that my table structure does not look like it is in the tutorial and I do not seem to be able to add the new data table as an entity on it’s own inside the original data folder as can be seen in the tutorial, the only way I seem to be able to add it leaves it in a folder of its own and then it is not in the original folder with the other data. Indeed my folder structure looks nothing like the tutorial and looking through the tutorial I can only see where they add public feed and not from a database source.

Hope this makes sense as it is hard to explain, I would have attached an illustration or some screen captures but I am unable to when raising this question.




Replied 20 Jan 2014 15:14:36
20 Jan 2014 15:14:36 Keith Mears replied:
Can anyone help with this for me please.


Replied 20 Jan 2014 16:38:37
20 Jan 2014 16:38:37 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Replied 31 Jan 2014 17:46:16
31 Jan 2014 17:46:16 e k replied:
This reply didn't help.

When inserting inside the repeat children data binding, it tells me "You are inserting detailed data without a repeat region!" Clearly, it's something going wrong on the extension's end.
Replied 31 Jan 2014 20:20:52
31 Jan 2014 20:20:52 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello e k,

Can you please paste the code generated by the extension, before you try to insert inside the repeat children data binding?
Replied 31 Jan 2014 20:51:29
31 Jan 2014 20:51:29 e k replied:
<div class="about">
<div data-binding-id="repeat1" data-binding-repeat-children="{{celebrities.feed.entry}}"></div>
Replied 31 Jan 2014 20:59:44
31 Jan 2014 20:59:44 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Are you trying to achieve what is described in the video tutorial - to group data by a property and then using the nested repeat region to show the elements, grouped by this property? If not - can you please explain what exactly are you trying to achieve?
Replied 31 Jan 2014 21:29:50
31 Jan 2014 21:29:50 e k replied:
Trying to create what's here exactly:
Replied 01 Feb 2014 07:39:12
01 Feb 2014 07:39:12 Keith Mears replied:
Hi Treador - This thread has been confused by AK!

If you look at the start of it you will see my initial question that basically is trying to complete Advance: Using Nested Repeat Regions And Repeat Regions Inside Detailed Regions, with the motor bike colours. However, I cannot achieve this because I cannot get my table structure the same as the tutorial so end up with another folder for the second string of data and it will not repeat within the the 1st repeatable region. I cannot repeat a region inside a repeat region is my problem.

This is difficult to explain
Replied 03 Feb 2014 12:00:07
03 Feb 2014 12:00:07 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Keith,
You can achieve this using the Group By filter, as shown in the video tutorial i posted. For example your DB structure might be like:
[ID] [Item] [Option]
[ 1 ] [ car ] [ option 1 ]
[ 2 ] [ car ] [ option 2 ]
[ 3 ] [ car ] [ option 3 ]
[ 4 ] [ bike ] [ option 1 ]
[ 5 ] [ bike ] [ option 2 ]

And you can group by Item
Replied 05 Feb 2014 16:10:02
05 Feb 2014 16:10:02 Keith Mears replied:
Hi Teador - This is a difficult one to explain so I do appreciate your continued efforts.

I have tried your suggestion but it will not work the way I want as I need to pull in a repeatable table from a different data source, I have a table of Events that have an associated table of "basically icons that link out to other pages" that are group by a given user registration level (in this case 1 - 4); level one has 5 separate entries (basically icon images that have links out to other support pages), level 2 has 3 separate entries and so on. The structure allows 1 event (that is a repeating section) to have a number of icons according to its level (that is a repeating section within the 1st repeatable section). I want to list the events by date (a repeating list that is easy to do) but I am unable to repeat the icons from another table within it and that is where I am hitting a brick wall as I cannot have a second table in the repeatable area.

I believe this scenario is shown in the Tutorial “Using Nested Regions and Repeat Regions Inside Detailed regions”. In this tutorial you can see they have more than the one table (data node) inside the datasource structure, and it seems then you can set the repeating element to include more than one data source. This is what I cannot do, I can link multiple tables together but I cannot show separate data sources within the same folder that in turn sits inside the Data Source structure as seen in the data bindings in dreamweaver.

My data base structure is like:

Data Table One
(Event 1) (Date) (Title) (Registration Lvl 1)
(Event 2) (Date) (Title) (Registration Lvl2)
Data Table Two
(Registration Lvl) (Page Link1)

The end result would look like:
(Event 1) (Date) (Title) (Registration Lvl 1) with a repeating column inside (Page Link1) (Page Link1)
(Event 1) (Date) (Title) (Registration Lvl 1) with a repeating column inside (Page Link1) (Page Link1)

I am sorry this is very difficult to explain without some illustration that unfortunately I cannot attach. I can do this by having the appropriate icons associated with each event but I am trying to keep the data base size down.

As I started I do appreciate you help and indeed patience.

Replied 03 Mar 2014 14:12:35
03 Mar 2014 14:12:35 Keith Mears replied:
Hi - Can anyone help with this?

Replied 20 Mar 2014 22:11:46
20 Mar 2014 22:11:46 Nikolaos Beligiannis replied:
Hi, It's really a little complicated to achieve what you are describing in the Motorbike example.

Truth is that this video (GROUP_BY)

has almost nothing to do with this one (Motorcycle example)

In the second video you use a main repeat region, that shows all the details of the motorbike, and then you nest another repeat region that shows different colors of the motorbike.

In the first video with the GROUP_BY you are doing a simple group that not letting you populate main information of the product (General Photo, Price etc) and additional repeat info like color. In this video you can only populate on main value and the rest has to be repeated.

It would be VERY helpfull if you show an example of the Motorbike Video from scratch, with no bindings at all and how you apply ALL of bindings detail and repeat regions.

Thank you
Replied 21 Mar 2014 10:11:22
21 Mar 2014 10:11:22 Keith Mears replied:
Hi - yes it is complicated to explain but I appreciate your help in interpretation. My main problem is that I cannot set up more than one repeat region. What I am trying to do is have a table of information from a database table and then in another section of the page have another section repeating from a different table for advertisements. I can achieve this by setting another page and inserting an iFrame but that is not ideal. Is it possible to have more than one repeatable table on a page?
Replied 21 Mar 2014 10:18:03
21 Mar 2014 10:18:03 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Niko,
The motorcycles example uses JSON file as a data source. The json is structured in such a way that allows to do this.
The Group By video uses a Database Source.

If i understand you right - you just need to setup 2 different datasets:
- For the table of information from a database table
- For the advertisements
Then when you have the 2 datasets you can create repeat regions from each of them.
It would be best if you can provide a basic example (even with static data) of what do you need to achieve on your page.
Replied 21 Mar 2014 21:58:19
21 Mar 2014 21:58:19 Nikolaos Beligiannis replied:
Hi Teodor . Your answer explains everything. Thought that the motorcycle example has been done with the use of databindings.

Keith you might consider developing your solution with the use of regular mysql querries until you find how to achieve the same result with the databindings.

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