DMXzone Bootstrap Support Product Page
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Bootstrap Extension / strange behavior / copy denpendent files
Reported 17 Dec 2013 21:35:56
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17 Dec 2013 21:35:56 mike hayes posted:
Just ran into something strange when using your extension with cs6 (occurs on previous version as well)... I was opening a bootstrap.html lesson file and going to browse / save and each time dreamweaver was prompting me to COPY DEPENDENT FILES (never had seen this before)... you could hit cancel BUT IT STILL copied (?overwrote?) the files anyway. I was going crazy as it was overwriting / adding files to my core js/css file folders which ultimately changed the behavior of my html file... finally I ran into this which said the extension was the (scroll down to the last response
4. amymazing, Nov 11, 2013 1:24 PM in reply to Zakkana) .
Sure enough I uninstalled the extension and viola' that behavior was gone!!! I could find absolutely NO WAY to disable that behavior... actually wouldn't have guess the extension was the culprit but that was the last thing I added to my CS6 installation.
Replied 17 Dec 2013 22:39:03
17 Dec 2013 22:39:03 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Mike,
The automatic file check/copy can be disabled and this is already described in the videos section on the product page. Please check the following tutorial…
The automatic file check/copy can be disabled and this is already described in the videos section on the product page. Please check the following tutorial…
Replied 18 Dec 2013 13:23:44
18 Dec 2013 13:23:44 mike hayes replied:
Thanks for the response Teodor... I've watched the video and will reinstall and give it another run as i await the updated extension with bootstrap 3 support in early 2014. Unfortunately I guess I had browsed right by your extra help resources.

Replied 16 May 2024 11:09:00
16 May 2024 11:09:00 Realsoft PC replied:
The tips on [specific strategy] shared here are practical and applicable. I've already implemented a few, and the results are promising. Thanks for the guidance.
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