DMXzone Ajax Form Support Product Page

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Conflict with Spry validation

Reported 01 May 2013 13:18:12
have this problem
01 May 2013 13:18:12 Juan Olarte posted:

Hi I am having a problem with the extension, every time there is a spry validation added to a form to a form, when it is time for the users to submit the form the spry validation doesn't work because of the Ajax form. What kind I do to fix this?




Replied 01 May 2013 13:37:07
01 May 2013 13:37:07 Juan Olarte replied:
Hi I just noticed I am having the same problem when using the Ajax form and the php upload.
Replied 07 May 2013 07:08:34
07 May 2013 07:08:34 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Juan.

I see that you own our Universal Form Validator PHP extension. Can you please use it instead of spry validation ?

Replied 07 May 2013 07:19:51
07 May 2013 07:19:51 Juan Olarte replied:
Hi Vulcho—

I wanted to use it, however it keeps crashing on me, I’ve been planning to ask about it, but just haven’t enough time. Basically every time I want to use Universal Form Validator PHP dreamweaver just stops working.


Replied 07 May 2013 10:18:17
07 May 2013 10:18:17 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Juan.

Do you receive any javascript errors when dreamweaver stops working?

Replied 07 May 2013 13:04:34
07 May 2013 13:04:34 Juan Olarte replied:
Yes it does hpeens some times, but I don’t remember what the errors say. Sorry!!!
Replied 07 May 2013 19:26:22
07 May 2013 19:26:22 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Juan.

Can you please try to use the Universal Form Validator and when javascript error occurs Clear your Dreamweaver cache file?

Replied 08 May 2013 14:13:49
08 May 2013 14:13:49 Juan Olarte replied:
Thanks I will try and let you know!
Replied 15 May 2013 14:29:18
15 May 2013 14:29:18 Juan Olarte replied:

Hi Vulcho—
I am still experiencing problems using the Universal Form Validator PHP, is not really a JavaScript error, but it just Dreamweaver stops working and it doesn’t responds. I have tried uninstalling the station, the program, but nothing is working. Is there something I can do so that it works with the normal spry validation, I need to finish soon, and I don’t have time at the moment to keep to see why the Universal Form Validator is not working.


Replied 16 May 2013 10:14:43
16 May 2013 10:14:43 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Juan.

Can you send me your page on my e-mail :
Also please provide me with information about the validation rules that need to be attached to your form in order for me to recreate the issue. Specify your OS & DW versions also.


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