DMXzone Ajax Form Support Product Page
Not a problem
Eigenschappen van formulier blijven standaard staan
Reported 17 Jan 2013 10:55:40
has this problem
17 Jan 2013 10:55:40 Lisette Langens posted:
Ik probeer een formulier te maken met DMX Ajax Form. Ik heb een simpel formulier gemaakt, dit geselecteerd en daarna op de icoon van DMX Ajax Form geklickt. Het formulier wordt inderdaad omgezet, maar bij de eigenschappen krijg ik niet het icoon te zien en ook niet de verschillende invulvelden van DMX Ajax Form, deze blijven staan op de standaard Dreamweaver waarden. Replies
Replied 17 Jan 2013 15:19:11
17 Jan 2013 15:19:11 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Lisette.
Can you please make sure your are applying the correct settings according the following tutorial:
Using DMXzone Ajax Form with Insert Record Server Behavior
Can we continue our conversation using English ?
Can you please make sure your are applying the correct settings according the following tutorial:
Using DMXzone Ajax Form with Insert Record Server Behavior
Can we continue our conversation using English ?
Replied 18 Jan 2013 10:04:22
18 Jan 2013 10:04:22 Lisette Langens replied:
I just want to make a simple form without a database. I've looked at the tutorial 'Basic Usage of DMXzone Ajax Form' and done everything exactly the same, but when I select the form and klick on insert - DMX - Form it seems to be rapping the form correct, but the properties section doesn't show the DMXzone Ajax Form icon, nore the options.
I just want to make a simple form without a database. I've looked at the tutorial 'Basic Usage of DMXzone Ajax Form' and done everything exactly the same, but when I select the form and klick on insert - DMX - Form it seems to be rapping the form correct, but the properties section doesn't show the DMXzone Ajax Form icon, nore the options.
Replied 18 Jan 2013 10:13:18
18 Jan 2013 10:13:18 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Lisette.
Can you please try to insert the extension by clicking on it's icon from the DMXZone Toolbar? If you don't have such:
Make sure your Workspace Layout is set to "Designer", then look for the DMXzone submenu in the insert bar, which appears. Look at the following screenshot for more information:
Can you please try to insert the extension by clicking on it's icon from the DMXZone Toolbar? If you don't have such:
Make sure your Workspace Layout is set to "Designer", then look for the DMXzone submenu in the insert bar, which appears. Look at the following screenshot for more information:
Replied 18 Jan 2013 10:15:29
18 Jan 2013 10:15:29 Lisette Langens replied:
Hi Vulcho,
That is exactly what I have done.
That is exactly what I have done.
Replied 18 Jan 2013 12:34:16
18 Jan 2013 12:34:16 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Lisette I can't recreate your issue here.
Can you specify your DW & OS versions?
Replied 18 Jan 2013 12:56:08
18 Jan 2013 12:56:08 Lisette Langens replied:
Hi Vulcho,
I've found the issue. When you select the form by clicking on the edge, the propertie display stays in standard DW properties, when you select the table by klicking the tab on the top of the form, the DMX zone properties show.
Yhank you anyway for your help.
I've found the issue. When you select the form by clicking on the edge, the propertie display stays in standard DW properties, when you select the table by klicking the tab on the top of the form, the DMX zone properties show.
Yhank you anyway for your help.