DMXzone Ajax Form Support Product Page
DMXzone Ajax Form integration with DW CS6 Spry validation
Asked 19 Dec 2012 16:17:12
has this question
19 Dec 2012 16:17:12 Fabrizio Sisti posted:
How can I integrate DMXzone Ajax Form with DW Spry validation? The validation seems working (I can see error messages for a while during the ajax loading), but the form is submitted even if there are errors in validation.How to solve it? Replies
Replied 20 Dec 2012 07:42:20
20 Dec 2012 07:42:20 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Fabrizio.
You can achieve such functionality combining the Ajax form with
Universal Form Validator PHP
You can achieve such functionality combining the Ajax form with
Universal Form Validator PHP
Replied 20 Dec 2012 14:49:00
20 Dec 2012 14:49:00 Fabrizio Sisti replied:
Purchased and installed UFV, all working perfectly 
Thank you

Thank you