Universal Responsive Design Template Support Product Page
Error on Universal CSS Menu
Reported 17 Mar 2013 18:03:16
have this problem
17 Mar 2013 18:03:16 Gianluca Zeri posted:
with any type of template that I try to use visualize error.He says that I have not installed Universal CSS Menu Navigator, but I am not.
How can I fix the problem, as well as clear the cache of dreamweaver and reinstall the extensions required?
Replied 18 Mar 2013 08:10:40
18 Mar 2013 08:10:40 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Gianluca.
Can you specify the templates that display the message?
Did you restarted your DW also when the installation of the menu was completed?
Can you specify your OS & DW version?
Can you specify the templates that display the message?
Did you restarted your DW also when the installation of the menu was completed?
Can you specify your OS & DW version?
Replied 19 Mar 2013 01:32:13
19 Mar 2013 01:32:13 Gianluca Zeri replied:
I tried with different templates:
Universal Responsive Design Template
Responsive Mobile Device Template
Your Hotel Template (free) and other.
I restarted DW after installation. I also tried to clear the cache in DW.
OS is WIN 7 Ultimate and Dw CS 6 in Master Collection.
Universal CSS Menu Navigator is an extension that I installed and it works fine, like the other extensions required. I also active All Extensions Access Yearly Subscription
Best regards,
I tried with different templates:
Universal Responsive Design Template
Responsive Mobile Device Template
Your Hotel Template (free) and other.
I restarted DW after installation. I also tried to clear the cache in DW.
OS is WIN 7 Ultimate and Dw CS 6 in Master Collection.
Universal CSS Menu Navigator is an extension that I installed and it works fine, like the other extensions required. I also active All Extensions Access Yearly Subscription
Best regards,
Replied 19 Mar 2013 07:35:15
19 Mar 2013 07:35:15 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Gianluca.
I managed to recreate the issue.
Can i aks you to list the other templates which appear with the same alertbox?
I managed to recreate the issue.
Can i aks you to list the other templates which appear with the same alertbox?
Replied 20 Mar 2013 01:06:28
20 Mar 2013 01:06:28 Gianluca Zeri replied:
Hello Vulcho,
I tried to download and install everything on another computer always with DW cs6 OS and Win 7.
I got the same problem, although I have downloaded all updates available extensions.
The templates used by me are those listed in my products purchased DMX Zone and among those I tried free Template Café, Restaurant & Bar Template 2, Your Hotel Template.
If I have to try some other tell me which one.
I tried to download and install everything on another computer always with DW cs6 OS and Win 7.
I got the same problem, although I have downloaded all updates available extensions.
The templates used by me are those listed in my products purchased DMX Zone and among those I tried free Template Café, Restaurant & Bar Template 2, Your Hotel Template.
If I have to try some other tell me which one.