DMXzone Timepicker Support Product Page
Timepicker AM PM time 12 Hours ahead?
Reported 06 Jan 2013 04:39:12
has this problem
06 Jan 2013 04:39:12 Foster Brovan posted:
HiI am using DW 5.5 and Calendar 2 with Timepicker.
The time and date I pick and post is right. But when I go back the the record the date is ok but the time is 12 hours ahead.
I have tried changing the time zone with no luck?
If I click on the calendar look at the time is ok and click done it works but if I forget to do that every time I do an update the time will be 12 hours off.
Thank you Foster
Replied 07 Jan 2013 09:15:00
07 Jan 2013 09:15:00 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Foster.
Can you please make sure that your settings are correct?
Please take a look at the following videotutorial:
DMXzone Timepicker Manual
Can you please make sure that your settings are correct?
Please take a look at the following videotutorial:
DMXzone Timepicker Manual
Replied 07 Jan 2013 16:39:00
07 Jan 2013 16:39:00 Foster Brovan replied:
I have studed the PDF and video.
But what is wrong is the am pm is backwards.
<td><label for="Cal_Event_Start_Date"></label>
<input class="dmxCalendar2" name="Cal_Event_Start_Date" id="Cal_Event_Start_Date" value="<?php echo dmxCalendarFormat($row_CalEdit['Cal_Event_Start_Date'], "mm/dd/yy"
; ?>" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
{"timeFormat": "hh:mm TT", "defaultTime": "<?php echo dmxCalendarFormat($row_CalEdit['Cal_Event_Start_Date'], "hh:nn TT"
; ?>", "defaultDate": "<?php echo dmxCalendarFormat($row_CalEdit['Cal_Event_Start_Date'], "mm/dd/yy"
; ?>", "altFormat": "yy-mm-dd", "condDates": [], "firstDay": 1, "yearRange": "c-10:c+10", "extensions": ["DMXzoneTimepicker"], "timezone": "-1100", "altField": "hidden_Cal_Event_Start_Date", "showOn": "both", "duration": "slow", "showOptions": {"direction": "up", "easing": "swing"}}
// ]]>
<input type="hidden" id="hidden_Cal_Event_Start_Date" name="hidden_Cal_Event_Start_Date" value="" />
<?php echo dmxCalendarFormat($row_CalEdit['Cal_Event_Start_Date'], "F-dd-yy-h-i A"
; ?></td>
I have studed the PDF and video.
But what is wrong is the am pm is backwards.
<td><label for="Cal_Event_Start_Date"></label>
<input class="dmxCalendar2" name="Cal_Event_Start_Date" id="Cal_Event_Start_Date" value="<?php echo dmxCalendarFormat($row_CalEdit['Cal_Event_Start_Date'], "mm/dd/yy"

<script type="text/javascript">
// <
{"timeFormat": "hh:mm TT", "defaultTime": "<?php echo dmxCalendarFormat($row_CalEdit['Cal_Event_Start_Date'], "hh:nn TT"

// ]]>
<input type="hidden" id="hidden_Cal_Event_Start_Date" name="hidden_Cal_Event_Start_Date" value="" />
<?php echo dmxCalendarFormat($row_CalEdit['Cal_Event_Start_Date'], "F-dd-yy-h-i A"

Replied 07 Jan 2013 16:45:22
07 Jan 2013 16:45:22 Foster Brovan replied:
Here is a screen shot.
After an update record.
See how the AM PM is back wards.
After an update record.
See how the AM PM is back wards.

Replied 07 Jan 2013 20:38:10
07 Jan 2013 20:38:10 Foster Brovan replied:
I found the problem in th code.
"<?php echo dmxCalendarFormat($row_CalEdit['Cal_Event_Start_Date'], "hh:nn TT" ; ?>",
In the line of code I took out the TT and that fixed the problem.
I found the problem in th code.
"<?php echo dmxCalendarFormat($row_CalEdit['Cal_Event_Start_Date'], "hh:nn TT" ; ?>",
In the line of code I took out the TT and that fixed the problem.