DMXzone Calendar 2 Support Product Page

Under investigation

Javascript error when editing an insert page after deploying the DMXzone Calendard 2.

Reported 25 Mar 2012 10:52:16
has this problem
25 Mar 2012 10:52:16 Jens Jakobsen posted:
After I have inserted the DMXzone Calendard 2 extension into page where users can join for membership I can no longer edit the "Insert Record" behaviour.

Once I doubleclick the Insert Record behaviour I get the error:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * while executing onload in insert record.htm, the following javascript

error(s) occurred:

At line 1202 of file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Dreamweaver

CS5.5\Configuration\ServerBehaviours\Shared\EditOperations.js": tagList

[j].type has no properties
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I realised that the DMXzone calendar 2 extension was the problem because I ran a file comparison between the NEW file and the OLD file (Yes - I did a backup..) with a great tool called "Exam Diff Pro".

The ONLY differences occurred around the DMXzone Calendar 2 extension.

I can provide links, files and all the information you need.

Best regards

Jens Jakobsen,


Replied 26 Mar 2012 06:32:54
26 Mar 2012 06:32:54 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Jens.

Can you please try to clear your DW cache file?
The following article will help you to do it.
Clearing Dreamweaver's cache

Best regards : Vulcho.
Replied 26 Mar 2012 19:49:54
26 Mar 2012 19:49:54 Jens Jakobsen replied:
Hi Vulcho

The VERY first thing I did was deleting the DW cache file. Nothing worked

I did however lookup the file specied (EditOperations.js) and found line 1202 and saw a reference to a RADIO element. And it just so happened that I had a RADIO input field on my web form. The radio input field was placed BEFORE the DMXzone Calendar 2.

See below:

I then removed the RADIO input field and reapplied it AFTER the DMXzone Calendar 2 form field.

Then it worked!

To be honest - I still categorize this as "unexplainable" and I don't think it should be like this.

I haven't recreated the problem but here is what I did:

1: I created the form without the calendar extension.
2: The radio input was at top of the form.
3: Several months later I applied the calendar extension.
4: Then I coulnd't edit the "Insert Record" behaviour.
5: I placed the radio input BELOW the calendar input
6: Then it worked.

Best regards
Replied 27 Mar 2012 07:43:20
27 Mar 2012 07:43:20 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

Can you please send me your page to
Replied 07 Apr 2012 18:12:13
07 Apr 2012 18:12:13 Jens Jakobsen replied:
Hi Teo

We have written together a few times since your request above from the 20th of March 2012 - I hope you have all you need, otherwise let me know.

Replied 09 Apr 2012 05:55:51
09 Apr 2012 05:55:51 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Jens,

The issue is still under investigation, you will be notified as soon as we have any progress.

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