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HTML5 Slideshow gone wrong

Asked 07 Jun 2012 16:45:03
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07 Jun 2012 16:45:03 Ed deSousa posted:
Please see below page and tell me what I need to do to fix.
It was working fine till a tried to create another slideshow with more photos.
Now all HTML 5 Slideshows on the site look like this.

I need a fix ASAP.

Thank you.


Replied 08 Jun 2012 08:03:15
08 Jun 2012 08:03:15 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Ed.

If you want to add more than one slideshows on your page, please add a specific containers for each. For example:

<div id="slideshow1"></div>
<div id="slideshow2"></div>
After that find the markup in your code and apply the extension for each container separately through the user interface of the product.

Regards: Vulcho.

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