Google Maps Directions Add-on Support Product Page
Google maps Direction, needs olso DMXzone Google Maps?
Reported 04 Oct 2014 12:21:44
has this problem
04 Oct 2014 12:21:44 Geert Hakze posted:
I have bey Google maps Direction it works, but when i insert a direction I get the message: Google Maps Directions Add-on requires that you have al least one DMXzone Google Maps on your Page! Insert one and try again!I do not understand that I need olso DMXzone Google Maps for use that Add-On.. Can I chancing my license to DMXzone Google Maps.. Replies
Replied 04 Oct 2014 18:11:48
04 Oct 2014 18:11:48 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi, as it is clearly described on the product page, this extension requires both DMXzone Google maps and AJAX autocomplete extensions.