Google Maps Directions Add-on Support Product Page
Google maps directions + autocomplete not showing directions
Reported 14 May 2012 08:02:44
has this problem
14 May 2012 08:02:44 Herve de Brabandère 7ok sprl posted:
hello,instead of showing directions, it google maps directions shows the start point on the map.
testpage is here
or here (html version)
xp sp3, dw cs4, google map 1.1.0, autocomplete 1.0.9, google map directions 1.1.0
Replied 15 May 2012 07:17:49
15 May 2012 07:17:49 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Please uncheck the "remove all previous markers" checkbox in the Autocomplete GUI.
Please uncheck the "remove all previous markers" checkbox in the Autocomplete GUI.
Replied 31 May 2012 15:55:38
31 May 2012 15:55:38 Herve de Brabandère 7ok sprl replied:
It's ok now after unchecking
Thanks Teodor
Thanks Teodor