DMXzone Google Maps Support Product Page
Clickable markers
Asked 05 Dec 2013 16:52:08
has this question
05 Dec 2013 16:52:08 Robert Iveson posted:
Hello. I have the DMXZone Google Maps working great on my client's site (it's stiil in progress, but test site here: ).I have altered the javascript code to show the pop-up info box onmouseover - which is fine, but I would like to have the marker go to a variable URL when clicked on. (ie, when the marker is clicked, it goes to the property detail page) - would you be able to help with how I can do this, either by the control window, or via the javascript?
Hope you can help.
Many thanks!
Replied 22 Oct 2024 14:48:54
22 Oct 2024 14:48:54 User replied:
Visitors can also enjoy interactive displays that highlight the history and construction of this engineering marvel. From its groundbreaking design to its influence on dubai tickets modern architecture, these exhibits provide a deeper understanding of the tower’s global significance.