DMXzone Google Maps Support Product Page


Customize info window

Asked 24 Jul 2013 20:55:35
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24 Jul 2013 20:55:35 David Woolley posted:
I need to customize the Info Window - I can't find the gmap_marker class in the CSS as mentioned in a previous post.

The dmxGoogleMaps.css only has one class:

.dmxGoogleMaps img { max-width: none !important; }

Is it possible to change the window to have rounded corners? I would also like to make the box smaller to just fit the text.



Replied 24 Jul 2013 21:32:09
24 Jul 2013 21:32:09 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

The the .gmap_marker class is not located in any css file. You can add some styling to it adding it in your own css.

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