DMXzone Nivo Slider Support Product Page

Under investigation

Slideshow disappears after clicking the Save button in the HTML Editor

Reported 27 Aug 2013 01:50:56
has this problem
27 Aug 2013 01:50:56 Tim Dittmer posted:
I downloaded and installed the most recent extensions. I can create the Nivo Slider in the editor and the image for the first slide shows in the editor but when I click Save, the image disappears and the page is blank. When I log back in, the image reappears. Any thoughts?


Replied 27 Aug 2013 09:11:15
27 Aug 2013 09:11:15 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Tim,

Your is an old version. Please remove it from your local directory and reapply the editor so it can place the latest version, then upload it to your server.
Also this line of code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="ScriptLibrary/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js"></script>
should be after this one:
<script type="text/javascript" src="ScriptLibrary/jquery-latest.pack.js"></script>
Replied 27 Aug 2013 19:10:55
27 Aug 2013 19:10:55 Tim Dittmer replied:
Thank you Teodor, after replacing the jQuery.js and changing the order in the Head tag the Nivo slider is now working - well, sort of...

The original images I am using for the slider are quite large so the quality should be great but the slider is a real mess when I save it. Regardless of the style I choose or how many times I upload all files, the slider looks the same, After the transition is complete the image "jumps" and appears to have a different aspect ratio. When I resize the window, an image will often fill out the entire screen and the slider will not adjust.

I even uninstalled and reinstalled Nivo Slider - no difference.
The images used in the slider look like they were blown up because they are so blurry. Some are cropped and others distorted.

I am wondering if I am missing a step. I am using Nivo via the HTML editor but I cannot find any options for sizing the thumbnails, Is there something I need to do before adding the Nivo slider to the editor?

I also noticed the Save button is not enabled after the Nivo slider is added. I assume this is a glitch?

Thanks - great support. Much appreciated by a non-techie like me.

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