Image Gallery Add-on Support Product Page
Dropped w in filename
Asked 29 Jul 2013 19:19:44
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29 Jul 2013 19:19:44 Bart Garner posted:
I have two sites where this is happening. On one site, it is using the Gallery Add on in HTML 5 Editor. When I select an image, it uploads it but drops the last letter of the filename if it is a w. It does use the new file name so it is no big dealOn the other, it is using PHP Upload and while it uploads the file without the w, it is creating a problem in that it is writing the original filename to the database. If I change the last letter to any other letter it works fine.
Replied 29 Jul 2013 20:18:48
29 Jul 2013 20:18:48 Bart Garner replied:
Correction. It is dropping the w no matter where it is in the filename.