Online Page Editor Add-on Support Product Page
Editor removes the java script links on my page when I go to edit
Reported 16 Aug 2013 21:25:48
has this problem
16 Aug 2013 21:25:48 Billie Cornell posted:
Here is the link of the page that I tried to edit with the on-line
Here is a link to one that I have not edited via the on-line editor
These were set up pretty much the same but when I did an edit through the on-line editor it removed all the java links. That's not going to work.

Is there something I need to add in so that it doesn't remove them.
Replied 19 Aug 2013 10:53:37
19 Aug 2013 10:53:37 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Billie,
Please check if the "Filter All Scripts" option in the Editor options is enabled. If yes, please turn it off and try again.
Please check if the "Filter All Scripts" option in the Editor options is enabled. If yes, please turn it off and try again.
Replied 19 Aug 2013 12:24:14
19 Aug 2013 12:24:14 Billie Cornell replied:
That works! Thanks!