Online Page Editor Add-on Support Product Page
Save button disabled
Asked 30 Jul 2013 13:33:24
has this question
30 Jul 2013 13:33:24 Tim Dittmer posted:
This has been posted before and as far as I recall you were going to release a fix in an updated version. Especially after adding an HTML 5 slideshow the save button is not enabled, despite checking the On Focus option in the editor settings. Even clicking somewhere else in the editor window does not work. Hitting the Enter key does not always work either and I have to add a character after the slideshow and delete it for the save button to show.This does not reflect well on my work since this is obviously a glitch and I am therefore reluctant to offer your editor as a feature.
May I ask if you are still investigating? Do you have a fix?
Replied 30 Jul 2013 14:30:11
30 Jul 2013 14:30:11 Tim Dittmer replied:
UPDATE: DMX is aware of the issue with the Save button not working properly and is planning to release a fix by the end of August - hopefully sooner