Online Page Editor Add-on Support Product Page
Exclude Editable Region
Asked 17 Aug 2012 08:55:50
has this question
17 Aug 2012 08:55:50 Mandy O posted:
Is there a way to exclude an editable region? I need to be able to edit a certain section on each page.. but I don't want my editors to be able to change that particular region..Thx

Replied 17 Aug 2012 12:19:36
17 Aug 2012 12:19:36 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Unfortunately this is not possible.
Unfortunately this is not possible.
Replied 17 Aug 2012 18:17:29
17 Aug 2012 18:17:29 Mandy O replied:
Can you please add this to the wish list?
The reason this is important is because I have a lot of pages using the same template so I don't want to use "IDs" as the way to select the editable regions or else I would have to go to each page to change it if I were to want to add something. However, I need to change things personally on each page that I don't want my non-web designer editors to touch.
The reason this is important is because I have a lot of pages using the same template so I don't want to use "IDs" as the way to select the editable regions or else I would have to go to each page to change it if I were to want to add something. However, I need to change things personally on each page that I don't want my non-web designer editors to touch.
Replied 17 Aug 2012 18:19:00
17 Aug 2012 18:19:00 Mandy O replied:
.. since you are working on getting different editor settings to work on one page.. maybe you could make it possible to create different logins and that would solve this problem as well..
Replied 20 Aug 2012 07:05:52
20 Aug 2012 07:05:52 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Mandy.
Your request will be discussed with our developers.
Regards: Vulcho.
Your request will be discussed with our developers.
Regards: Vulcho.