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Need for Speed on My Tech Site

Asked 18 Jun 2024 14:05:27
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18 Jun 2024 14:05:27 Habriel Fring posted:
Yo! My tech blog is getting more interactive and I'm starting to feel the pinch on loading times. Everyone’s talking about NVMe VPS being lightning fast. Got any personal favorites for hosting that can keep up with high traffic and lots of media?


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Replied 02 Jul 2024 09:32:42
02 Jul 2024 09:32:42 Jordi Bennedict replied:
Switching to an NVMe VPS definitely changed the game for me. Last year, I had a surge in traffic during a live event coverage on my blog, and my old setup just couldn’t handle the heat. Pages took forever to load, and I even faced some downtime – a total nightmare!

I did some digging and switched to Hostablanca’s Vps, more info you can view here. The difference was like night and day! The speed improvement was massive, and handling high traffic became a breeze. They've been really solid for media-heavy content, too. Might be worth checking out to keep your site zippy! How’s your blog set up right now?

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