Advanced HTML Editor 3 Support Product Page
Will not populate data
Reported 30 Jun 2017 18:14:56
has this problem
30 Jun 2017 18:14:56 Ken Pollard posted:
I am editing a page using Server Connect/App Connect and the Editor will not show the existing content. If I remove the dynamic content and put static content in it shows. I have been playing around with the loading order but don't know what else to try. Can I get some help with this.Thanks!
Replied 30 Jun 2017 22:33:35
30 Jun 2017 22:33:35 Ken Pollard replied:
If anyone is around that might have an idea on this can you help. I need to push to production and have literally spent several hours trying different combinations and can't get it to display the data from App Connect. I may be missing something little but have tried everything and am getting desperate! Thanks
Replied 01 Jul 2017 09:30:36
01 Jul 2017 09:30:36 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Ken,
Advanced HTML Editor 3 is not app connect compatible... for app connect you should use the new MEdium Editor:
Advanced HTML Editor 3 is not app connect compatible... for app connect you should use the new MEdium Editor:
Replied 01 Jul 2017 17:27:03
01 Jul 2017 17:27:03 Ken Pollard replied:
Thanks Teodor