Advanced HTML Editor 3 Support Product Page
Can not get rid of paragraph styles; editor box often blank.
Asked 08 Oct 2015 13:25:49
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08 Oct 2015 13:25:49 Matt Penn posted:
I'm using the latest version of the editor 3.5.6 and experiencing two very frustrating problems. 1) Often the editor will come up blank. The underlying HTML content will not load/display. Multiple browser refreshes will sometimes bring it up. It seems to be more of an issue in Firefox. But still a problem in Chrome and IE. I've seen this issue reported and fixed in earlier version of the editor. But, at least for me, it is back again.
2) The editor will insert unwanted paragraph styles. I don't know where they come from. And I can not get rid of them! I go into HTML mode and delete everything out except plain <p> tags, submit my changes, and even though the article text changes, these stylings do not get removed. I can completely delete all of the html and click submit and these stylings come back. Here's a screenshot of what I am talking about.
Please help!
Replied 20 Oct 2015 20:51:23
20 Oct 2015 20:51:23 Matt Penn replied:
In regards to Issue #1 (the editor coming up blank). The HTML Editor 3 does not wait for the HTML5 Data bindings to load. That is why many times it is displaying no data. Maybe there is a way to force the editor to wait? I'm not sure.
When I remove the DMXzone HTML5 databindings and just use a simple PHP data function that I wrote, it loads in fine 100% of the time.
DMXzone - can you please advise on this matter? My original post was 2 weeks ago, and Live support is always "Offline" when I visit.
When I remove the DMXzone HTML5 databindings and just use a simple PHP data function that I wrote, it loads in fine 100% of the time.
DMXzone - can you please advise on this matter? My original post was 2 weeks ago, and Live support is always "Offline" when I visit.