Advanced HTML Editor 3 Support Product Page


How Does This Work?

Asked 30 Jul 2014 20:33:16
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30 Jul 2014 20:33:16 Patrese Vorwerk posted:
Can you please tell me how to make this work? I've looked at your Manual and your videos and they don't tell me how to make this work. I don't want the editor to be visible on my live web pages, I want the editor to be something that my client logs into, makes text changes and saves, then the content that was updated is visible on the live web pages. Does this software do that? I thought it did, but now I'm not so sure.
Thank you,


Replied 31 Jul 2014 05:27:48
31 Jul 2014 05:27:48 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Patrese,
As the product name shows - this is an HTML Editor. Advanced HTML Editor is a rich text editor, providing tools to customize text, insert images etc.
If you need such functionality you need to either:
- Create a backend admin area for your website, that is secured with login and update / insert content in your database, which updates the front end immediately.
- If you are using a plain, static HTML page - Use Online Page Editor Add-on with Advanced HTML Editor 3: It provides you with options to bring up a login form, edit, save your html pages.
Replied 31 Jul 2014 21:21:47
31 Jul 2014 21:21:47 Patrese Vorwerk replied:
Hello Teodor,
I have the Online Page Editor Add-on so will the two products work together to do what I need or do I still have to build the admin backend and database?
I'm new to this database stuff so please explain.

I've been trying to get the Online Page Editor to work and so far it doesn't. I've watched the tutorial videos and it looks like it should just work when you follow the instructions but the HTML Editor doesn't show up and most of the time neither does the login box. Is this because I need to create the back end admin and database or is it something else? Please Help!

Thank you,
Replied 01 Aug 2014 05:44:55
01 Aug 2014 05:44:55 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
If you are using the Online Page editor, you do not need database. Just follow the tutorials step by step.
Replied 07 Aug 2014 23:58:37
07 Aug 2014 23:58:37 Patrese Vorwerk replied:
Hello Teodor,

I finally got the Online Page Editor to work, but now the HTML Editor 3 isn't displaying the background to the editor properly. I took some screenshots to show you what is happening. It happens in all browsers. Can you let me know how I can share those with you? I don't see anyway to upload images here.

What is happening is the background to the editor is showing the photo I'm using as the page background instead of white so you can't see the text to edit it very well. I selected white as the background color when I setup the HTML editor in Dreamweaver, but it's not working.

Thank you,

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